Wednesday in the Word

In Acts 8, which happens right after the stoning death of Stephen, Philip's ministry was “booming”. His ministry was very successful in Samaria. He was sharing the Good News and performing miracles to multitudes of people. Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him and asked him to go to a desert.

Really, a desert of all places? He was ministering to many people. Why would God ask him to go to a desert? Who was going to be in the desert? Obviously, not the multitudes that he was used to speaking to and teaching.

But Philip followed the angel's commands in obedience, and there in the desert he found an Ethiopian eunuch. Philip was able to share the Good News with him. The eunuch believed and was baptized.

One person was all that Philip shared the Good News with there in the desert. But if you know about the Ethiopian eunuch – he was in charge of the treasury of Ethiopia. After his encounter with Philip, he went on his way rejoicing. He was only one person, but think of the position that he had. How many people respected him? And he also brought Christianity into the structures of another government. We don’t know how many people he then shared the Good News with!

Philip went where God asked him to go. By sharing with one person he opened up all of Ethiopia to the Good News. Sometimes we don’t feel like what we are doing matters. Sometimes God asks us to do things that may even seem like a demotion. We may not always understand God’s plans, but the results of us following them will prove that God’s way is always the right way.

Are you following God’s plan for you? Are you being obedient even when it may not make sense?

(Sometimes it may not make sense in our worldly views, but we need to be sure that we are truly following Gods will. In Philip’s instance, he was visited by an angel. We may not be visited by an angel, but we should seek Godly counsel, spend time in prayer, and in the scriptures and make sure that we are truly following Gods leading.)

Have a Blessed week.
